Friday 13 September 2019

I & I can't be here forever. But I&I work can live for generations!

To every first, there always comes a second. To every reality, there always come a fantasy. There's a war going on; fantasy wants to come and live the life of reality. Reality is stronger than fanfasy, you know? but people believe fantasy is gonna win! 

Only my heart feels the pain!

Sunday 28 April 2019

Saturday 20 April 2019

We all are in the journey of nowhere. But if you understand your mission, the more easier for you to identify your direction.

Wednesday 17 April 2019


Sitting down here and I have been thinking for a while. I don't know where to start, I don't know which direction to follow, but one thing I knew for sure,  the mission will be completed JUST ONE DAY!

Wednesday 10 April 2019


Behold, soon it shall come to pass.  All the trouble you felt,you shall feel them no more.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

What a place?

Living in place, where you don't  know what you are there for, when you came, you don't know when you will go, you don't know what tomorrow will be, what a place?

Wednesday 13 March 2019

About my life!!

                Everything I need, run away from me at the time, I needed it the most. 

Saturday 29 September 2018

Rastas never die

Here's come the lonely night ; where sadness became the pillow. The mind, only thinks of evil. The little boy couldn't stop remembrance of bad memories, water couldn't stop dripping from his eyes. But he wished for one thing, and he pray to God and said. " Father, Let me go. But let my name live, from generation to generation''.